The 5 Stages Of Group Development Explained

The facilitator’s task is to keep disagreements from becoming personal conflicts, be a calming influence, and enforce the ground rules. Recognize that you’re not really the target of their testiness. This is an activity that I use in almost every teambuilding session I run–because it delivers results every time.

This is where it would definitely be more appropriate to bring the group members in to facilitate in sharing those roles. The democratic style tends to produce greater initiative amongst the team members and it’s really kind of a shared leadership approach. Energizing others to overcome challenges and pursue opportunities takes certain skills. For example, a new agency secretary may have a new vision to implement, or a statewide coalition may want to use funding to address child care needs during a pandemic.

This exercise is an effective way of clarifying how your team should work together while also setting clear expectations around personal responsibility, reporting, and individual action. Used alongside exercises that help clarify team purpose and culture, this activity can ensure everyone on your team is positioned for success. This is the exact reason why stages of team development are so important — the team has to keep moving forward. The team is already accustomed to each other’s workflows, and most future disputes and conflicts generally become easier to overcome.

They are also overly positive about the project, because it’s new, and new is always exciting. Group interaction are lot more easier, more cooperative, and productive, with weighed give and take, open communication, bonding, and mutual respect. At this stage, group members are learning what to do, how the group is going to operate, what is expected, and what is acceptable. We all have opinions on what should be done, how it should be done and where it should be done.

It may even revert to it unless the team makes the effort to communicate problems, and then learn from these interactions. Now, this is where things get tense for Adam, Daisy, Daniel, Mark, and Stella as they set their plan into motion, while their 5 personalities and opinions clash. So, they decide to split the fees, buy one of the neighboring fields, and grow a 120 sq feet vegetable garden. The position of this unofficial leader may also be occupied by the strongest authority figure in the team. Tuckman only added the fifth and final stage in 1977, together with Mary Ann C. Jensen who had previously reviewed his original paper. The Performing Stage — mainly characterized by overall synergy.

As such, it’s vital you document learning points and strategies that have worked for you and your team while Performing so you can apply them again in the future. Self-assessment is an important part of the team development process and using a structured framework can help ensure a productive conversation that doesn’t overspill or create further conflict. This team development activity helps guide a group through a structured discussion by focusing attention on six different areas, surfacing any challenges, and then voting on what is most important to the group. The learnings from this activity can then be used to resolve issues, strengthen the group and help move the team from Norming to Performing.

Group Development Process

This step was added to the existing model of group development by Tuckman in 1977. Having fun together can be an often overlooked element of team development. Seeing your colleagues as more than their job roles is something that should happen in the early stages of the Forming process but it’s important to keep engaging these muscles. Even as a team improves in performance, it’s vital to keep improving and engaging these skillsets in the name of better cooperation and team development. The team meets and learns about the opportunities and challenges, and then agrees on goals and begins to tackle the tasks. They may be motivated but are usually relatively uninformed of the issues and objectives of the team.

How To Accelerate Team Bonding With Tuckmans 5 Stages Of Group Development

Norming is the third stage of the team development process. This is where groups begin to settle into a working pattern, appreciate one another’s strengths and become more effective as a team. All teams are made up of individuals with varying skill sets, perspectives, and needs. As groups work together, conflicts in thinking, approach, or working practices can and will arise.

Group Development Process

It’s up to the students to decide how to resolve this conflict and continue moving forward with their organization. Even if you have high-performing talented members in a team it will not guarantee a successful project. It is vital to see whether all the members are a perfect fit within the team. The process of team development boosts the chances of reaching project goals effectively. You might start a new project and mix up your team make-up or try new things that result in some conflicts in perspective but also allow your team to grow. While it’s important to accept that remaining exclusively in the Performing stage – particularly for long-serving teams – is unrealistic, it’s also worth remembering that this is the ideal state.

Agree On How To Handle Conflict Productively As A Team

Group members will react in some way that is independent of a confident and excited about the performance of their group. While, others may be sad over the loss of camaraderie and friendship. That’s why more attention is focused on wrapping activities rather than task performance. Marija Kojic is a productivity writer who’s always researching about various productivity techniques and time management tips in order to find the best ones to write about.

Group Development Process

Like a pirate crew, your new-found trust is the fuel for your startup. For this first stage, psychological dynamics are crucial. With a new project and new team, some members will be less independent, seeking guidelines.

Even on a limited-time project, taking time to analyze team effectiveness and working habits during the project is important in ensuring you can maintain productivity and course-correct where necessary. Group reflection is an important part of improving on how you collectively and individually manage conflicts. In this exercise, you and your group proceed from reflecting on how you’ve managed conflicts 4 stages of role development in the past to develop a shared set of guidelines for managing conflict in your team. By including the team in this process, buy-in and follow through on these guidelines is improved while also giving space for effective reflection on previous conflicts. After delineating the roles of everyone in the team, it’s important to clarify expectations for how they should work autonomously and together.


Tuckman’s model of group development can help you understand how a team might theoretically grow, but alone it isn’t sufficient to help your team succeed and meaningfully develop. Being conscious of the process is a great place to start, but it’s worth remembering that reaching the performing stage isn’t a given and many teams get stuck early on. When your team is performing well, it can be easy to get caught up in the moment and assume that things will remain at this high level indefinitely. As teams grow and change they can move back into the Norming, Storming or even Forming stages of the group development process. In this stage, groups often become more comfortable asking for what they need in a productive manner and offering feedback on team and leadership performance. It’s important to remember that teams in the Norming stage may not yet have gotten everything right and still need guidance and consideration as they move towards becoming an effective team.

In this stage, all team members take responsibility and have the ambition to work for the success of the team’s goals. They start tolerating the whims and fancies of the other team members. They accept others as they are and make an effort to move on.

  • The role of the team leader is especially vital during Forming, as group members will look to them for guidance, direction, and leadership.
  • Episode #005 and actually that whole episode was about generating ideas.
  • Delegate tasks appropriately, and according to the skills, experience, and interests of individual team members.
  • When your team is performing well, it can be easy to get caught up in the moment and assume that things will remain at this high level indefinitely.
  • Then, as they move into the Norming stage, you can step back even more and go into a bit of an abdicractic leadership style where you’re really letting go.
  • Timothy Biggs suggested that an additional stage be added of “norming” after “forming” and renaming the traditional norming stage “re-norming”.

The official team leader takes a back seat much more than in the previous stages, and the individual team members are given their chance to shine. Once you complete your assessment tool, go into the show notes there and at the bottom, just write a comment. Tell us about your team and what stage of development they are in. If you do have any question about anything I‘ve talked about, feel free to go to the show notes and ask those questions. It’s a great place to share those and then I’ll be able to answer those and everybody can see them.

What Is The Forming Stage Of Team Development?

Conflicts arise when our ideas clash with others’ viewpoints. Teams jell after individual and stylistic differences have emerged and are acknowledged and respected. Some of these growing pains occur when expectations do not match reality. Do not try to explain away the issues – acknowledge them and seek joint resolution of challenges. Several months later, as the new hires joined my team, new tensions started to bubble to the surface again. Eventually, things came to a head between two reports trying to solve a tricky problem.

Team Building Activities To Bring Your Team Together And Have Fun!

Clockify is a time tracker and timesheet app that lets you track work hours across projects. How to set up a clock-in clock-out system at work Need a good clock-in clock-out system so people coming to work can check in and out? Build trust among team members, by advocating honesty, transparency, and accountability. Address and resolve conflicts and problems as soon as they arise.

Recognize and celebrate the team’s achievements, to make sure your work as a team ends on a positive note. This is important considering that at least some of you may work together in the future once again. Provide extra support and guidance to help team members who are less secure about voicing their opinions and ideas stand their ground. Speaking of ends, the Adjourning Stage is the bittersweet cherry on the top of each team and project, and it will happen whether you want it or not. It’s a great opportunity to reflect on your accomplishments and think about what you learned.

To buy what they need, they’ve even made a road trip to the city together — they’ve used this time to bond and get to know each other better. Here is the 20 best team management software you can try now. In some cases, the Norming Stage may often be intersected by the Storming Stage.

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In order to understand how and when each of them spends time working in the garden, they track their time. They feel proud when they see that they each spend about 4 hours a week on gardening, as that means a larger amount of vegetables will produce well. The Performing stage is what your team is really after — in this stage, you and your team get to enjoy synergy. 💡 To facilitate this transition from the Storming Stage to the Norming Stage, you’re advised to incorporate team management software into your team workflow. Of course, you can only move on to this more pleasant stage if you’ve addressed and answered all the vital questions from the previous, Storming Stage.

The initial excitement and politeness are often replaced by anxiety, annoyance, frustration and disagreements. People come to realize that reality is very different from the initial glow of working together harmoniously. The storming stage of team development is significant as the leader has to step up and sort out all the issues. He will have to ensure that every member develops better understanding and communication and gives his hundred per cent for the welfare of the team. It is the storming stage of development where the leader makes sure that every person has stopped thinking about individual needs and started thinking of himself as an integral part of the team. The fifth and final stage of team development is Adjourning.

These are unwritten rules that take place naturally in the development process. Some leaders write and share them with team members for effective results. The Forming stage of team development is the time when individuals start understanding that they are an integral part of the team and will have to work together with each other. The forming stage of development helps to develop a better understanding and strong relationship with each other. One of those reasons is because team members need to trust each other, at least to a moderate degree in order to be creative together.

This doesn’t mean your team won’t see additional challenges or that there won’t be opportunities to improve. A workshop to review team priorities and made choices about what to focus on individually and collectively. The workshop challenges members to reflect on where they can have the most impact and influence. Use this workshop to refine priorities and empower ownership among team members.

Sometimes they think about like the first day of a class in high school or college where everybody comes in and sits down. It’s just that beginning stage but it’s also the stage where friendships begin. Group members establish implicit or explicit rules about how they will achieve their goal. They address the types of communication that will or will not help with the task. Building an early childhood system requires the work of many. One of the first action steps a coalition can take is to define the problem they want to solve and secure agreement on their focus.

Fun Activities

A group’s strength may come from sheer volume or willingness to carry out a single leader’s commands. On the other hand, a team can be more difficult to form. The members will selected for their complementary skills, not a single commonality. So the overall success depends on a functional interpersonal dynamic. When working together in this way, there is usually not as much room for conflict. A team’s strength depends on the commonality of purpose and inter-connectivity between individual members.